1. 正向形容詞 (positive adjectives)
active 活潑的
affectionate 親人的;親切的
agile 敏捷的
agreeable 親切友善的
alert 機靈的
amusing 有趣的;好玩的
at-the-ready 隨時準備的
athletic 好動的
2. 負向形容詞(negative adjectives)
afraid 害怕的
aggressive 有侵略性的
allergic 過敏的 + to N.
annoying 惱人的
anxious 焦躁的
3. 動詞(verbs)
adopt 領養
adore 熱愛
1. have a cheerful/sunny/joyful disposition 有種愉悅的/開朗的/使人開心的性格
2. act like the queen/king of the house 行為風格就像是家中的女王/國王
3. beV always at-the-ready to + V 隨時準備好要做…
- My puppy is active and athletic.
- I adopted a puppy when I was 20.
- My puppy is always at-the-ready to go to the park.
- Though I am allergic to my puppy, I still love him/her.